Donate to MCHCS

An active teenager receives rehabilitation from a knee injury.

A grandmother in her 90s quietly passes away in one of our hospice suites.

A senior suffers from a heart attack, and thanks to timely care, he is now in cardiac rehab.

A lump is discovered through a routine mammogram and breast cancer is treated.

These are the stories of Madison County Health Care System. Every single day, life unfolds within the walls at 300 W. Hutchings Street in Winterset and 125 W. 1st in Earlham. Little miracles occur as “life happens.”

Click here to read more donor stories and about how you can help those who need our care like the situations above.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

Sir Winston Churchill

Giving Opportunities

The importance of philanthropy is exceedingly significant to the future of the Madison County Health Care System (MCHCS). For us to invest in the future of health care it is essential that we continue to increase our efforts in this area. We can not rely on income received solely from the services we provide, as in many instances what we receive does not cover the expense of the provided services.

There are many ways to support the work of the Madison County Health Care System. We work with the donor and their financial advisor(s) to develop the most beneficial giving opportunities for the donor, the donor’s family, and the Madison County Health Care System. The donor’s best interests are always first and foremost in our mind.

Gifts may be given to MCHCS in several forms, including:

  • Check
  • Monthly Automatic Bank Withdrawal
  • Credit Card
  • Payroll Deduction (if allowed by employer)
  • Pledge with monthly, quarterly or annual reminder
  • Gifts of appreciated real estate
  • Gifts of securities
  • Gifts of grain
  • Matching gifts
  • Planned gifts with reserved life incomes such as gift annuities or charitable remainder trusts (This activates your membership in the Legacy Society.)
  • Naming MCHCS in your will (This activates your membership in the Legacy Society.)

If you would like to make a gift, please send your check to the Madison County Health Care System, C/O Development Office, 300 W. Hutchings, Winterset, IA 50273. If you have any questions, or would like to schedule a meeting with you and/or your financial advisor, please call (515) 462-9749.

Your consideration is gratefully appreciated. Thank you.

Learn more about how to give

To donate, send your contribution to:

Madison County Health Care System
C/O Development Office
300 W. Hutchings St.
Winterset, IA 50273

Or call (515) 462-9749

ATTENTION SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS: Our online scholarship application form is currently unavailable. We are working to resolve the issue.